Set and Attain Goals in Nature

Posted by Classroom Helper, Inc. on Jan 12th 2023

A fun way to practice self-care is to set and attain goals in nature. I love hiking the Enchantments area in Leavenworth, WA. It is absolutely stunning and peaceful. We enjoy eating lunch at the summit. That’s often near an alpine lake in the Enchantments. The mountains in the background reminds me that there is so much natural beauty in the world. Nature is a living being. We are a part of something bigger. This is where we belong.

This picture was taken at Colchuck Lake, WA.
This picture was taken at Colchuck Lake, WA. 

Plan Your Trip using

Colchuck Lake: At nine miles round-trip and over 2,000 feet elevation gain, this hike is both challenging and rewarding.

Be Present.

Allow yourself to focus on the present. What do you see? What do you hear? Last summer, my husband and I wanted to do more hikes in the Enchantments area, and we did. We hiked and camped, exploring new places nearby, and heading into town for some well-earned brats and beer.
